Gastronomic (Mis)Adventures : FAQ: Where to Eat in San Francisco?

FAQ: Where to Eat in San Francisco?

Updated on February 17, 2016

 I've been asked this question too many times by many people both locals and out-of-towners alike. Thus, this page will serve as a link where I can direct those who will ask me the same question again.

I usually break down people's request on the following factors:
- How many times have you been to San Francisco?
- If you ask me where to eat in SF, I assume that you are a foodie or, at least, someone who appreciates good food.
- Budget?
- For how many people?
- When? Weekend or weekday?
- Where? Are you willing to venture out of the usual streets?

So without further ado, here are my picks on where to dine in the city of San Francisco:

- Nopa
- Universal Cafe
- The Grove
- 15 Romolo
- Park Tavern
- Central Kitchen

Cheap eats:
- Burgers: Roam, Umami, Super Duper
- Pizza: Tony's, Golden Boy
- Mexican: Nico's Tacos
- Asian: The Chairman

Dining with a specific cuisine in mind and doesn't break the bank*:
- Thai: Lers Ros, Osha (the original branch)
- Chinese: R&G, San Tung
- Californian Asian Fusion: The House, B Star B
- Italian: Cotogna, Delfina, La Ciccia
- American: Zuni Cafe
- Mexican: Cha Cha Cha, Nopalito
- Vegan: Millenium, Greens, Shizen, Gracias Madre

For the ballers/special celebrations:
- Too many to mention since SF is filled with many high-end restaurants. Please search on Yelp the triple dollar sign or search for my Food is a Luxury blog series, such as Aziza, Commonwealth, Coi, etc.

*I've left out many cuisines, especially Japanese, Chinese dim sum, Indian, Korean, etc., since I feel that the best restaurants that fall under these categories are found outside of San Francisco. San Mateo for Japanese and South/East Bay for dim sum, for instance.

Happy eating!

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