Gastronomic (Mis)Adventures : Fresh Off the Press! Evolve Protein Shake from Muscle Milk

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Fresh Off the Press! Evolve Protein Shake from Muscle Milk

*Note: This is not a sponsored post. 

I was happy today when the gym had an open house full of healthy goodies to munch on and drink just in time for a post-pilates workout. There were some representatives from Muscle Milk promoting their new line of snack protein shakes, Evolve, as well as a light version of their flagship product, the Muscle Milk. Although lactose and gluten free, both products have whey protein. A big no-no for those experiencing hormonal acne- teens or adults. These products are not for me since I'm trying to cut down on whey as mentioned before, but the curiosity in me persisted.

When I got home, I decided to drink Evolve's strawberry protein shake paired with my dinner. As explained by the reps, Evolve is a snack drink that is not meant to substitute after-workout protein shakes. True enough, it didn't make me full compared to a protein shake. It only has 12g of protein per serving compared to Muscle Milk Light's 20g. If this wasn't verbally explained to me, it would have taken me some time to figure out the difference.

Taste is also very important for females. The strawberry shake is definitely not as sweet as a Nesquik's strawberry milk (I know this is usually a kid's drink but Nesquik is always my top-of-mind brand every time I think about strawberry shakes) since Evolve uses Stevia natural sweetener, monk fruit and cane sugar to sweeten the drink.  It was not as rich or full-bodied as an Ensure milk, however what I didn't like was the apparent artificial strawberry flavor just like many other flavored protein shakes- this is the main reason why I stick to vanilla protein powders so I can add real fruits myself.

Evolve protein shakes comes in a pack of 4 for $4.99 in different flavors, such as vanilla, cafe latte, mixed berry and chocolate.

Watch out for my review of Chocolate Muscle Milk Light up next.

Apologies for the hungry, shaky hands.

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