Gastronomic (Mis)Adventures : On the Move @ Xiringuito Escriba, Barcelona

On the Move @ Xiringuito Escriba, Barcelona

Barcelona is one of my favorite cities to visit in Europe, but this time, I wanted to skip the tourist area of Las Ramblas. I got some fresh air by the beach instead and had a great view of all the sail boats while lunching at Xiringuito Escriba, which had a canopy to shield me from the chilly November weather.

Xiringuito is a glorified seafood shack by the bay owned by the Escriba clan, who are known for their patisserie. At Xiringuito, however, they boast their culinary/savory skills and shine on using fresh seafood on their menu.

My first time having paella with green beans and a bold flavor of tarragon.
Simple yet delectable calamari.
Can you believe I ate all of this by myself? It was Sunday so there were many families lunching. Of course, the neighboring patrons had to stare at me for eating all of this on my own paired with a glass of sangria :) Can you a blame a girl starving after a 15 hour trip without decent food on the plane?

Spanish olives are the best! Interesting use of clay serving cup.

My view while lunching. Do you see the sail boats from afar? Reminds me of San Francisco...

Close-up view of the paella

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